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We are a conglomerate of processing and export chileans seafood companies.

Pescadores Group, we specialize in the manufacture of products derived from the giant squid (dosidicus gigas).

 The raw material we obtain is the result of a joint effort with the local fishermen from the V region, which allows us to guarantee the quality and freshness of our export products.

 Our processing facilities are duly certified by SERNAPESCA (Servicio Nacional de Pesca), the fishing national service and we have the quality assurance programme, based on the HACCP Norm, which is implemented in our manufacturing lines of cefalopodos, raw and frozen fish and shellfish.

 Our mission is to meet the high standards of quality in international markets based on mutual respect and trust with our customers, thus strengthening the long-term business relationships.




Pescadores Group is set up in 2004 with the objective of manufacturing sea products and merchandise and supply the local market such as exporters, dealers and retailers.

 In 2005 the group decide to position in the international market processing and exporting their products with our own brand.

 At present, Pescadores Group has successfully positioned in the international market with our own brand products, concentrating our exports in important markets such as Asia, Europe and South America.


To be acknowledged in the international markets for our quality and confidence in our products.


Satisfy the high standards of quality demanded by our customers, assuring a fresh and high quality product, with a responsible extraction of the sea resources, based on  mutual respect and trust with our clients and suppliers.



In Pescadores Group we are constantly working on the continuous improvement of our processing products in which our employees, suppliers and clients are the focal point of our management. The values we safeguard are the following:

 - Respect and confidence in our employees, suppliers and clients

- Establish long-term relationships with our employees, suppliers and clients

- Manufacture our products at the highest quality

- Respect for the environment in the extraction process as well as in the productive

- Social responsibility for the community we are